Hello and welcome to my website which has been online since 2014 and which over the years has been built up to be a useful resource for local historians in Brighouse and surrounding communities. Also, for those people wanting help with brass band research, it has also been the home of Sunday Bandstand, my weekly two-hour brass band programme, which started in 2007. The website has available an archive of all the radio shows dating back to the summer of 2014. The archive has a search facility.

I hope you have enjoyed the website. Any support which you would care to make would be most appreciated and would help with the cost of website security, maintenance, and licensing. The purchase of recent and vintage brass band recordings would also help to meet continuing costs.

Researching questions, the many and frequent local history and brass band enquiries which I receive, can take time and money and I always seek to deliver as full a response as possible: no one wants just a few words as a reply.

If you would like to give some support through a small donation via PayPal, please follow the link…. Thank you.


London Light Music Meetings Group

Harlequin Recordings

Harrison Lord - art, photography, framing

Nature Inks - computer supplies online seller

Wigan FM

Wythenshawe Radio 97.2

Brass Band Radio (York)

Tempo FM Wetherby

North Worcestershire Radio Logo

Phoenix Radio 96.7FM

Preston Hospital Radio

Radio Christmas - Charity Festive Radio Station

Sounds of Brass logo

BAM Web Radio

Drystone Radio

Serenade Radio Logo

World FM

Radio 88FM

Lionheart Radio 107.3FM

Oldham Community Radio