It was six years ago when I was commissioned to write a new book based on the lighter side of my 30 years in the police. With most of that time spent working in and around Brighouse.
Just over two-years ago I was starting to wonder if I could turn the book into an audio book. After twelve months of part-time rercording at The Studio a professsional recording studio near Barnsley it was 95% finished but then came Covid 19 and the various lockdowns. I am pleased to now announce that the audio book 'All in a Day's Work' is finally finished. Here is a taster with the Introduction and Chapter One. Click this link:
Margaret Sharp, who died recently, was a local historian and author with an exceptional knowledge of the history of Clifton. She was someone I had known for many years and when ever I needed to find an answer to some detailed and often fairly obscure piece of history about Clifton village or some of its residents from the distant past she was the first person I turned to for help. Her knowledge of the village was almost encyclopedic.
Looking back at our household appliances things have certainly moved on a pace since we bought our first home.
Lots of smiling faces on this photograph back in c1987-1988. This is the occasion of the Sunday School Gala Queen at St Matthew’s Methodist Church.