Sunday Bandstand Search Facility

Sunday Bandstand Search Facility

My Sunday Bandstand radio show was started in December 2007. Initially this was a one hour show but was soon extended to the present two hour show. 

Since the summer of 2014 all the shows and the playlists have been available on this website. Over the last two years listeners have been asking if a search facility was possible. If a particular piece of music, band or a soloist had been featured on the show would it be possible to have the means on the website to be able to search for it.

I am please to announce that this facility has now been incorporated into the Sunday Bandstand side of the website.  I you wish to search through all the shows over the last five years and all the individual pieces on the playlists which is over 5250 my new search facility provides that new service.

Click on to the Sunday Bandstand tab on the top right once you have opened the website. Click the tab and a small drop down menu will open - no click the Sunday Bandstand Archive that will then give you access to all the shows and playlists. At the bottom of that page is a box which invites you to enter a KEYWORD. This could a particular piece of music, soloist an band - once you have entered the word to the right is another box inviting you to enter dates FROM and TO. You will find it veasier not to enter any dates just click the search button and if your soloist, piece of music or band has been played on any of the shows since August 2015 it will bring that up. You can not click the start button and awy you go. This will be the show that contains what you are looking for. If you do have any probems please email me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and the problem will be resolved.

Another new feature soon to follow is the facility to sell off all my duplicate and triplicate brass band CDs I have and I have many. 

Thank you 




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