From the left are Councillors Graham Hall, Emma Hions and John Williamson standing in the grounds of Woodhouse Nurseries, Woodhouse Lane, Brighouse in the early summer of 1996.
It was Redrow Homes who submitted plans to Calderdale Council Planning Department for the demolition of these nursery buildings and then erect 44 - 3/4 bed dwellings and associated garages. The plans were submitted on August 12, 1996.
From the left Edward Singleton, Rev Richard Jenkins, Curate; Rev Giles Harris-Evans, Vicar; Mrs Marjorie Middleton, Peter Middleton and Jane Guilefoyle who is presenting the flowers.
This photograph is looking down Bridge Road c1990s. This road continues all the way to what was The Anchor pub and then for some reason the name was changed to The Bridge. In the distance is the canal running from left to right and there are plans to create another bypass which will through this road across a new bridge which will go through the car park on the opposite side and then on to Halifax Road and out of town towarrds Hipperholme. Just when this might happen remains to be be seen but bearing in mind it was discussed and on the cards to be done during the late 1960s early 1970s and it did not happen - wait and see.