Chris Helme - Brighouse Heritage
Who can remember Swankies Cafe in Bethel street?

This photograph is dated December 2,  1994, when this new cafe was formally opened by the Mayor of Calderdale Councillor Stephen Pearson. Here he is with the owner Colin Wandby standing outside the new cafe.  Sadly by September 2000 the cafe had closed down. 

It did not start off as Ship Street - 26 April 1994.....

Here is Ship Street on April 26, 1994, little seems to have changed over the last 30 years. But more closely and you can see at least two changes at the far end of the street. Kenmarga, the coach hire company and you can just make out part of the Oddjobs premises,  

You are never too young to fundraise for a good cause - 18.11.1995

The fab four fundraising outside Tesco's on a cold Saturday in November from the left Tracie Kendall, seven, Matthew Orme, four, Rachel Orme, 6 and Natlie Clarke, 9. This was in aid of Children in Need, also to help things along were a number of stalls with tombolas, bran tubs and of course cakes which were all laid out to tempt shoppers. A raffle was also held with some wonderful prizes ranging from bottles of wine and chocolates  The aim was to raise £2,000 - my records don't say whether they managed it but if they didn't quite make it I am sure it would have been a close thing not to have.  

Who can remember the Rendezvous Cafe on Commercial Street - 1978

Now who can remember the Rendezvous Cafe on Commercial Street 46 years ago... I can remember the Hipperholme family that owned it. Next door is Whitehead and Dickinson's, mothers will remember taking their daughters down to be fitted fo their new Brighouse Girls Grammar School uniform.  Then next door to that shop is a birthday and greeting card shop Well Wisher, can anyone remember who ownwd that shop? Finally, D.M.Bentley, the camera shop which was later sold to Lords who have had their camera and photo developing business there for many years. The junction next to Bentley's is Hutchinson Lane and some readers may even remember the days when Noel Fitton had his Ambassador radio business in that street, which these days is an access from Commercial Street to the bus station.    

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London Light Music Meetings Group

Harrison Lord - art, photography, framing

Nature Inks - computer supplies online seller

Wigan FM

Wythenshawe Radio 97.2

Brass Band Radio (York)

Tempo FM Wetherby

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Phoenix Radio 96.7FM

Preston Hospital Radio

Radio Christmas - Charity Festive Radio Station

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BAM Web Radio

Drystone Radio

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World FM

Radio 88FM

Lionheart Radio 107.3FM

Oldham Community Radio