Chris Helme - Brighouse Heritage
Commercial Street with the corner of Market Street - 1995

Here is the junction of Commercial Street with Market Street and I am sure like me most of our readers will remember going into Kelly's for the always reliable fresh fruit and veg. But what happened to them whendid theyy close does anyone know?

Sainsbury's car park not yet arrived - but SB 1852 is still there

This photograph was taken before the arrival of Sainsbury's new supermarket during the mid-1990. The building with the signage was Rice Jones and Smith Solicitors offices. Interestingly the passage way next to the office doorway led through to Baines Row. But before you walked into the passage way on the lintel it had the iniitals SB and the year 1852. SB was the 19th century entrepreneur Samuel Baines who was to own everything through the passage way which was known as the Victoria Mills square. Baines Row was a street with very old and poorly maintained terraced housing.The solicitors offices, Baines Row and the whole of Victoria Mills and other adjoining property was demolished and the new Sainsbury's was built on the site and opened in November 1998.   

Emlyn Hughes the football legend comes to town - 14 October 1994

Here is Emlyn Hughes the legendary Liverpool and England footballer cutting the celebratory cake at Brighouse Job Centre on the occasion it was awarded the prestigious 'Investor in People' on October 14, 1994. In this photograph from the left is Miss Carol Sykes, the Brighouse Job Centre Manager, Emlyn Hughes, Sir Donald Thompson, the Member of Parliament for the Brighouse area and another representative of the Brighouse Job Centre. Some readers may recall seeing Mr Hughes and his friend and footballing colleague Ian St John in the Brighouse town centre on a number of occasions. I bumped into them quite by chance when they had their sports equipment and clothing warehouse in Wood Street behind the Robin Hood pub. There office was in the old office building which joined onto the Robin Hood. All these buildings were demolished to make way for the new Lydl Supermarket which opened in December 2018.   

Brighouse High School raise the cash for Save the Children charity - 1996

Well done Brighouse High School - here are a number of students presenting a cheque for £1,400 for the Save the Children charity.

Those posing with the presentation cheque are from the left Julia Wardell, Vickie Lord, Leanne Gelsthorpe, Mrs Jean Norris, Nadine Wyles, Mrs Sally Barker, Geraldine Gavaghan, Emma Gee and Kelly Hall. The presentation took place at schoiol on February 1, 1996.  This group of students will be in their early 30s now. 

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London Light Music Meetings Group

Harrison Lord - art, photography, framing

Nature Inks - computer supplies online seller

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